Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on The Pros and Cons of the Internet - 795 Words

Positive and Negative Aspects of the Internet The new age of technology was born late last century in the form of the silicone chip. Since this early invention computers have progressed in leaps and bounds from the very basic early models to the now very complicated and very powerful computers of today. In between this growth the Internet developed into a mega market where billions of dollars are traded daily. It is a place where you can pretty much buy and sell anything you can think of. But with the development of such a powerful tool there are always going to be problems such as pornography, hackers, dodgy chat rooms and authenticity of information. But like with any argument you have to weigh up the good with the bad, the†¦show more content†¦These programs are regularly up dated barring more and more inappropriate pages as the net is constantly growing. A major threat that nearly everyone who goes on the internet faces is the attack of hackers who can pretty much strike anyone at any time inflicting major damage and loss of money. These hackers are able to gain your confidential information using special hacking tools, this means they can get your credit card number that you gave out when doing online shopping and use it much to there benefit. These people are also able to create viruses that have the sole purpose of destroying and damaging your computer software. The â€Å"I love you† e-mail that was circulating the web recently is a good example of what people are capable of. Many people now days us chat rooms and the like to make new friends and meet different people. This in turn can create problems as there is a danger of meeting weird people who may want to harm you. They can make themselves seem to be different from the person they really are, this can be a real danger if someone decides to meet a stranger they met on the net as he or she may turn out to be someone you really do not like. Yet they could become obsessed with you which would result in a lot of fear and possibly worse. But on the other hand it can be a very good way of forming new friendships or relationships with other businesses that are on the other side of the world Although there are many threats to take into considerationShow MoreRelatedThe Internet : The Pros And Cons Of The Internet786 Words   |  4 Pagesboth pros and cons when there is a discussion about the internet. We can learn so much of what we can read on the internet. Which is great news considering most of us are using the internet. To prove my point we visit page 116 in the book The Shallows, the book supports our solution. Nicholas G. Carr discusses all about the internet in our generation and how we use it. 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